For Vegan & Vegetarian Clients

This webpage provides you with the education and information around vegan and vegetarian diets. Please commit 2 hours before your appointment to read, watch and download everything on this page so you can come to your sessions with your questions.

Our Vegan & Vegetarian Masterclass

Click on this picture to watch our 2 hour masterclass on supporting vegan and vegetarian clients. In this masterclass, we cover

  • Reviewing arguments for and against with ethics, health and environment
  • Recommendations from authorities including the NHS
  • Common issues we see in clinic
  • Our Triangle of Hormonal Health perspective
  • Menopause and vegan / vegetarian diets
  • How to support clients who choose a vegan and vegetarian diet
  • Answering common questions
  • Deficiencies and how to address them 
  • The restraints we experience 

How to Eat Vegan or Vegetarian PFC

We use the PFC Food Strategy in our clinic. The letters P, F, and C stand for the three “macronutrient” categories that every food falls into: protein, fat, and carbohydrate and the idea that every time we eat, we eat the right balance of all the macronutrients. The PFC approach focuses on real, whole foods whilst removing inflammatory foods like bread, pasta and grains that increase inflammation, disrupt optimal digestion and reduce energy levels, immune function and vitality. Your practitioner will recommend a PFC food strategy that is best for your health.

We have tailored our PFC approach for vegan and vegetarians. Please download the documents below.