How we are different. How is Hormone Wellness different to other hormone clinics. We are different because we look at the body in a truly unique way. We look at every aspect of […]

How can diet help me with my hormones?

Many people are unaware that their diet may be unsuitable for them and contributing to their symptoms. Conflicting advice in the media, being bombarded by marketing that often makes spurious […]

What is hormone coaching and will it help?

Wellness coaching is when a trained coach looks at your health history and can see areas where improvements can be made to various aspects of your life to help reduce […]

What is oestrogen dominance?

Oestrogen dominance is a commonly used term but what is it and what does it mean? Let’s start by looking at what oestrogen is and what it does. Oestrogen is […]

How can I help my PMDD and PMS naturally?

Pre -Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder aka PMDD, is becoming increasingly common. This condition has severe symptoms, and they often last for 7-14 days out of a cycle. It is described as a […]

How can I help my endometriosis?

It is estimated that over 1.5 million women (1 in 10) in the UK have endometriosis. This condition takes an average of 8-10 years to be diagnosed due to its […]